St David's Holy Faith Greystones
“The heart and soul of any school is it’s library. Libraries are browsing places,dreaming places, finding out places. So much education takes place whenchildren are making choices of their own.” Michael Morpugo
The school library in St David’s is a beautiful room in the heart of ourbrand-new building, with a wall of glass overlooking the sea. The library isstaffed by fully qualified librarian who works three days per week during theschool terms. The initial brief of the librarian was to install a librarymanagement system and to catalogue the current collection. It was also tosupport teaching and learning, and to endeavor to enhance the learningexperience of our students.Even over the first year, the range of activities and supports provided bythe library has exceeded our original vision, as our dynamic staff and studentshave adopted the space as their own. The librarian works in professionalpartnership with teachers and management to plan and run timetabled classesduring the school day. Our organically formed Student Library Council thenprovides us with an active consultative student voice. Out-of-class access isprovided during break, lunch and after school. A range of clubs and activitiesare also available to students during the week including Creative Writing, Film Club, Crochet Club and Debating Club.It became more and more apparent as the year progressed that apressing need for a lot of our students, was for a quiet space for them to seeksanctuary from the hustle and bustle of school life. This is particularly true atlunchtime and breaktime.
The Librarian is working in tandem with bothmembers of the Guidance Department to provide this as much as possible forstudents who need this space. Mindfulness programmes have also formed apart of our library timetable for the year to fulfil this goal.Our aim is now to provide access to the creative arts throughengagement with authors, poets, film-makers, musicians and illustrators. OurTransition Years have fully embraced the library as their creative space thisyear, creating some French-language children’s books along with somewonderful creative writing and film-making. To date the school library hasdoubled as an artist’s studio, a writing space, and a film-set as well as a flexiblelearning space that evolves to meet the ever-changing needs of our students.We hope that our programme of creative projects has enriched our students’experience of school life. Although occasionally a silent study space or asanctuary when required, we are proud to say that our library is a vibrantactive learning hub in the very heart our school.
Library Management Software
We elected to go with local company Bray-based Interleaf Technology assupporting local business as much as is possible and practical will be part of thelibrary policy. The availability of local support and training are alsoadvantageous to the school library.The Scooter2 School Library Automation Platform is designed to use OpenSource software (Koha) and a range of other services to provide an automationsystem through which the library can manage its physical resources.A key design of this system is that the school will have their own database ofcatalogue records, borrower records and transactions. There is access to ahigh-quality, professionally produced, database of catalogue records to importfrom.Scooter2 will only be available as a hosted offering in a data centre with accessthrough a secure link. It is the same technology as banks use for Internettransactions, so it is secure. It removes any responsibility from the school forsupplying and managing servers to run the library system. The system willinclude a cataloguing module and a circulation module and a Public AccessCatalogue along with facilities to generate statistical reports and overdues.
Collection Development Priority is on Irish Language and French/Spanish Collection Development at themoment. The Woodwork Department and the Politics Departments havecontacted the library and they are also interested in building a new collectionfor these subjects. It is great to see so many departments interested in andinvolved in, collection building.DLT Magazines are a UK based subscription company who source journals andmagazines at a highly reduced rate when purchased on an annual subscriptionbasis. We currently have a flexible package of 12 titles which can changedepending on demand.We have also purchased a subscription to New Scientist (Digital, App andHardcopy) for the school library.We also source our stock from local bookshops whenever and wherever possible.