Parent/Teacher Association
Contact the Parent/Teacher Association
Here at St David’s Holy Faith Secondary School, we have an active Parent-Teacher Association that meets regularly throughout the year. We are proud that our school is one that engages with, consults and involves all stakeholders in its decision-making processes. Our PTA contributes to such processes and plays a valuable and dynamic role in the improvement of our school through various means and events.
All parents and guardians of school pupils are automatically a part of the PTA, together with all teaching staff in the school. Any parent from the school is free to get involved in the workings of the PTA. The Committee, along with all stakeholders and interested parents, meets every 4-6 weeks in the school and works closely with the principal, deputy principals and representatives from the teaching staff. The Committee is elected every year at the September/October AGM and comprises not less than six elected parent members to fill the roles of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer. There are also two teachers and two parent representatives on the school’s Board of Management.
The PTA runs and supports a number of events during the year, and we are always looking for support and assistance from parents.
If you would like to find out more about the PTA or become involved in its activities in any way, please contact us here. If you have any other queries, please fill in the form to the right or feel free to contact us at PTA@stdavids.ie