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French Singing Workshop - December '23

On Friday the first of December the Fifth, Sixth and a few Transition Years were treated to a very special workshop from French singer, Kathleen Moreau.

To start off Kathleen taught everyone how to count to ten in French and then clapping was added to it to create a rhythm. The group practised the clapping and then they were split into different groups. After the clapping, Kathleen taught the group a song in French which everyone enjoyed and got involved with.

There were four lines to the song so the group was split into four groups and each group sang a different line. She then taught a different song which everyone enjoyed learning and singing. She opened the mic to anyone who wanted to get up and sing the song. There were two Sixth Years, Alex Labachov and Mikolaj Majcher who stepped up to the mic and sang a duet of the song she taught.

Everyone really enjoyed the workshop and it was a good way for people to hear the French language in a different way. Thank you so much to the French Department for organising this amazing workshop and a big thanks to Kathleen Moreau!

Report by Finn Morris (4th Year)

Photographs by Rhiannon Murphy (4th Year)


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