During periods four and five of September 9th 2023, 1st year base classes 1D and 1B, along with TY students from various classes, took part in a four round quiz as a part of the Transition Year/First Year buddy system. The quiz took place in the dining hall. Ms. O’Sullivan and a small group of TY students organised and led the table quiz. Miguel Ramírez McMahon, Grace McDermott, Rían O’Gorman and Ellie Hall ran the period 4 table quiz with the students in 1D. The students who ran the period five table quiz were Casey Hall and Nicole Maxwell.
There were eight teams composed of a mix between TYs and 1st year students. There were four rounds each containing 10 questions. Each round was themed; the themes were Ireland (round 1), Sports (round 2), history (round 4) and Entertainment (round 4). The prize for the members of the winning team was a Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate bar. The winning team was Team One for the period 4 quiz and Team One won the period five quiz as well! The round most popular with the students was the sports round.
These table quizzes were organised as a part of the Mentor programme. The Mentor programme is a service for the 1st years as they transition into secondary school. It is a way for the 1st year students to bond with the TY year group as their TY buddy helps them to navigate their new secondary school life. These table quizzes were organised to strengthen the TY and 1st years bond.
Photographs by Callum Fairley (4th Year)
Report by Joseph Glynn (4th Year)