On Wednesday the 27th of November our Senior Girls GAA team made the short trip down to Eire Óg to face Meansoil Gharman in order to secure their place in the Leinster Quarter Finals. The girls started off with a quick warm up in the freezing weather. The match kicked off just shortly after 12pm.
The first half was a battle from the beginning, David's managed to get the first score on the board with a point from Caoimhe Davis. The girls had a small lead for majority of the first half but a quick goal by Meanscoil Gharman kept them in the game. The girls worked extremely hard and got some great points thanks to Holly Sheehy, Aoife Fox and Ella Andrews but they unfortunately missed some goal opportunities. As the first half came to end the teams were level and the game was in the balance.
A great team talk by Ms O'Gorman had the girls ready to go for the second half. David's took control of the game from the opening minutes. A goal by Caoimhe Davis put the girls in the lead. This goal gave the girls a boost, they had some great link up play which allowed Holly Sheehy get 2 more super goals. Some fantastic points were also got in the second half by Aoife Fox, Niamh Kelly and Maria Hassett.
The girls team work determination and talent won the game for them.
Final Score 3-11 to 2-7
Congratulations to the girls and their coach, Ms O'Gorman, and best of luck in the quarter finals
A big thanks to Mr Hassett and Mr Geoghegan for coming along to support.
Photos and Report by Caoimhe Davis