On Thursday 26th of October, 25 transition year students made their way over to the state of the art business room to complete their training for the Alpha course in the school. The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. The students were greeted with smiles and donuts as they entered the business room, as the most important rule for the course was laid out; to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere.
The students were then split into groups and started with some fun quizzes and games to get the day started, points were awarded for the best performing groups and at the end of the day the group with the most points were awarded a lovely prize! After that they watched an insightful video into the basics of the Christian faith and, with their groups, answered some philosophical questions about the meaning of our existence.
They then were rewarded with a well earned break and after the intermission the students came back with a new-found enthusiasm and got down to the nitty gritty of how to be an Alpha leader. This was the time where they learned the skills that would allow them to guide a group of TY students in a similar session.
After this they finished off with one final game and the winning group was given their prize of a box of heroes!
This was an incredibly enjoyable experience for all the students and they learned skills that will hopefully help them guide other people in the future of the Alpha course.
Report by Ultan Moran (4th Year)
Photographs by Kiera Danilova (4th Year)