On Wednesday, 4th of October, the school gathered in the Sports Arena for our annual school mass. The school choir led by Ms Richardson and Mr Noonan, opened our mass with a hymn. Fr John then gave a short opening message, highlighting that the theme of todays mass is ‘friendship’, before our Head Boy and Girl, Matthew Lawless and Lisa Garcia spoke while a student from each year group brought up a symbol that represents their respective year. Our school journal, photo frames of our sports and arts programme, a Le Cheile Schools Book and a CAO handbook were all brought up.
Fr John then continued and asked us all to pray for each other, what we are thankful and regretful for and what we need help for.
Readings from the Book of Jeremiah and The Gospel of Matthew were read by our students and our school choir sang another hymn that blessed our ears!
Our School Mass also happened to be on the day of the Feast of St Francis and Fr John tied our school ethos into this topic. Fr John told us that our school ethos is set by the students in trust, honesty, friendship, love and happiness. As students, we have a duty to make our school years the best time of our lives.
We then had the blessing of the bread and wine and communion was given out by Mr Carey, Ms O’Sullivan, Ms Kane and Fr John to all students who chose to receive it. Students also had the option to receive a blessing if they wished.
Our deputy principal, Mr Davies, began our closure by reflecting on the Holy Faith Sisters, especially Margaret Aylward, who founded our school in 1906.
Final blessings were said, our choir sang one last hymn and Mr Carey thanked everyone for the day. A special thanks to our Religious Education and Music department who made an amazing mass today!
Photographs by Ben Roth (4th Year)
Report by Áine Fitzgerald