St David's Holy Faith Secondary School recognises the benefit of sports and strives to create an inclusive and diverse sporting programme that benefits all students' health and wellbeing. Our sports programme is multi facetted; it caters for competitative sports, recreational sports and casual sports alike. Our sporting calendar is organised into two seperate blocks of twleve weeks during the academic year, allowing students to sample and engage with multiple sporting and leisure activities.
Our school sports programme benefits greatly from the extensive renovation and extension that is nearing completion. Included in this is a state of the art Sports Arena, a fully equipped gym and an astro turf pitch. All of our sports will benefit equally from these facilities.
Mr Ivan Brady is a Business and Economics teacher in St David's Holy Faith. Mr Short also holds an Assistant Principal 2 post in the role of Sports Coordinator. Mr Brady organises and guides the school's competitive, recreational and casual sporting programmes.
You can access a copy of the school's Sports Development Policy by clicking on the image to the left or by accessing the full list of the school's policies on our policies page
Our new Sports Arena is now completed and utilised by all students for P.E. classes. The sports hall is state of the art, boasting top of the line surfaces, fully retractable basketball nets. it can accommodate up to two P.E. classes simultaneaously.

Below you will find information about the levels of engagement that students of St David's can access. We cater for all levels of committment and our sports programme constantly changes and adapts to the needs, interests and abilities of students
We are focused on a multi-sport approach in St David’s to best fit the needs and talents of our students and acknowledge the area, facilities and clubs around us that we have established links with.
Boys: Rugby, Soccer and Gaelic Football.
Girls: GAA, Soccer
and Basketball
Each sport has designated coordinator and each team will has a coach (external where required).
Sports have set days where the facilities will are block booked soas to avoid competing with one other.
These activities are participation based and are internal activities and clubs. They utilise school and local club facilities. All activities are timetabled and a weekly slot is provided.
These sports place a large emphasis on fitness, fun and wellbeing. We aim to provide a broad and diverse range of sport activities here to cater for as many areas as possible.
Examples: Table tennis, badminton, volleyball, circuits, yoga, core training, boxercise, tennis, walking, running, dance etc.
The school gym is also included with daily (Mon-Fri) opening times with a rota of interested staff providing supervision.
We acknowledge that within our student body there are many talents and sports actively played in local
clubs and that our programme can’t cater for every interest.
Any areas not included on our timetable but which have students that compete in will enter school competitions, where possible, to allow those students the opportunity to represent our school in their area.
This list will change from year to year. based on student interest.
Examples: hurling, camogie, sailing, athletics etc. (if not timetabled activities)
Please contact us if you would like to compete in a sport that is not listed.
We will publish details of our competitive sporting timetable and our recreational sporting timetable before the beginning of the '22/'23 academic year. Those timetable will be available to download from this page.
You can keep up to date with all sports news, activities and matches by clicking on this image.
Our academic year is divided into two blocks of extracurricular sporting activities: Winter and Summer. Our extracurricular sporting programmes run in these two sperate blocks for a number of months throughout the year.
This structure allows us to be flexible towards and cater for the continually changing needs and wants of our student population.
This year's competitive sports calendar features a wide array of sports, catering for both boys and girls sports across all age groups.
We will always endeavor to reflect the interests and abilities of our students in our competitive sports programme.
Block A - (Sept - Dec) of our recreational timetable has now been published. You can download a copy of this and all of the timetable listed on this page by clicking the download icon on the image.
We believe that our extracurricular, recreational sports timetable truly contains something for everybody. Whether our students want to keep fit in a relaxed environment or socialise with their friends while engaging in a fun activity, every day offers the student body an opportunity to stay fit and have fun with their friends.