Transition Year
St David's Holy Faith Secondary School offers a dynamic and eventful Transition Year Programme. The Transition Year is uniquely structured and differs from the other year groups in that a team of two teachers with special duties work in tandem to deliver the year. The team responsible for the delivery the Transition Year and the care of the students who are enrolled in the year are Ms Laura Courtney, in the role of Transition Year Coordinator and Mr Conor Short, in the role of Transition Year - Year Head.
You can access a copy of the Transition Year Prospectus for 2024/25 by clicking the image to the left. Please note that the material contained within the Prospectus is based on the availability of events, speakers and trips from the previous academic year. While every effort is made to maintain consistency in the Transition Year Programme, it is subject to change from year to year.

Ms Laura Courtney is a History, Geography and Politics & Society teacher in St David's Holy Faith. Ms Courtney holds an Assistant Principal 1 post in the school as the Transition Year Programme Coordinator. In this role, Ms Courtney organises all events, workshops, trips and the work experience programme for the Transition Year Students.
Mr Conor Short is a Business & Enterprise teacher in St David's Holy Faith. Mr Short holds an Assistant Principal 1 post in the school as Transition Year - Year Head. In his role as Year Head, Mr Short is responsible for the Pastoral, Academic and Social development of all students in Transition Year. Mr Short is also responsible for discipline matters of the year group.

You can access a copy of the school's Transition Year Policy by clicking on the image to the left or by accessing the full list of the school's policies on our policies page
Transition Year is an extremely busy year with multiple events taking place for Transtion Year students on a weekly basis. Events range from trips, workshops and speakers to involvement in the multiple student led committees (Media Committee, Wellbeing Committee, Green Schools Committee etc.). The team strongly recommends that students try to get involved in as many of the opportunites as possible throughout the year. Communication with the students by the Transition Year Coordinator and the Transiton Year - Year Head occurs in person during assemblies but all information and documentation will be posted on the year group Google Classroom. Please ensure that your son/daughter checks the school's digital education platform regularly.
Google Classroom is available to download as an app on the Google Playstore for android and The App Store of ios. Alternatively, it can be accessed on any PC or laptop device here. Please visit our Digital Teaching and Learning Section to find out more on accessing this educational tool.